Wood boards are a popular way to serve and have become a great conversation piece, especially when personally engraved. Although very durable, for lasting long and keeping their shapes they need proper love and care to maintain their beauty, shape and durability.

Three steps to caring for your wood boards:

  1. Wash with warm water and dish soap after every use scrubbing lightly with a sponge or soft cloth. Wipe excess water and let dry upwards.
  2. To protect from germs and bacteria, and the absorption of water be sure to treat it regularly with food grade mineral oil. Mineral oil may be applied with a soft cloth. Two to three applications may be needed or until oil no longer is absorbed into the wood. Once dry (over night is best) and oil is no longer absorbed excess oil should be buffed/wiped off with a soft cloth.
  3. For extra protection you may treat with food safe wax which also creates a barrier between the food and wood.


Do not place coloured fruit/food (ie. berries) directly on wood boards as it will stain any wood. It is also best not to place pickled/wet foods directly on the board as the liquid will soak into the board. Best way to serve those is in a small bowl and placing it on the board.

Clarks cutting board products are amazing for board care. Watch the video below to learn how to properly apply cutting board oil and cutting board wax.